One Million Goal Blog

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Charity:Water Update – The Escola Santa Isabel de Minhewene, Mozambique

by garret

Posted on Wed Oct 17 2018

Because of the generous donations during one of our recent campaigns, we were able to partner with Charity:Water to drill a well for a school in Mozambique.  In June of this year, a professional team drilled deep into the earth to reach fresh underground aquifers, then capped the well with a hand pump. Drilled wells reach water that is inaccessible by hand-digging, and usually yield more water than hand-dug wells.

 Mozambique underwent a civil war that led to extreme poverty and severely unhealthy living conditions. In addition, floods and earthquakes worsened the growing water crisis. With the 22nd highest child mortality rate in the world, every year 82,000 children in Mozambique don't make it to the age of five. 

 Recently, Mozambique has made incredible strides toward development, and providing access to clean water is a major priority.

 We thank our donors for helping us support Charity:Water in this effort, which supplied clean water to 300 people. Read More

Charity:Water Update - Community of Tingobwor, in Uganda

by garret

Posted on Tue Apr 24 2018

Thanks to the generosity of One Million Goal donors in early 2016, we were able to partner with Charity:Water to help a community in the Northern Region of Uganda gain access to clean water! Our donations helped fund a drilled well in a region where only 23% of the population has access to clean water. This well, completed in March of this year, will serve approximately 284 people.

The water technologies Charity:Water funds depend on the region's water availability, geology, and population density. Their partners survey each site and meet with the communities to determine the best solution. In the community of Tingobwor, the best solution was a drilled well. The construction of a drilled well required a team of professionals to drill deep underground, reaching aquifers that aren't accessible by hand-digging. To instill a sense of ownership, the community joined in the planning and building process. Local residents formed water committees, which are trained to promote the best hygiene practices for health and sanitation among the community.

Families used to spend valuable time walking to collect water that wasn't safe to drink. Now, they're walking much less. Most importantly, the water they bring home is clean and safe.

Thank you to all the One Million Goal supporters who helped make this happen.

Read More Update - Kenya

by garret

Posted on Wed Nov 29 2017

At her home in Kenya, Mary's old water tank posed a serious risk to her and her family's health as an open barrel of standing water can quickly become a breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Mary was helped by WaterCredit through  She was able to get access to a small, affordable loan that enable her to construct a new water tank for her home.

Her new, fully enclosed fiberglass tank is designed to endure the elements and provide safe water for decades to come.

One in every 9 people lack access to safe water. Our work with is helping change that fact.  Donate to help those in need.

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The Power of a Dollar

by garret

Posted on Tue Oct 17 2017

One Million Goal is excited to support the work of with this year's fundraising efforts. See below to learn about the incredible work they are doing and see how YOUR donation to One Million Goal will help those in need. 

You are investing in potential


Elenita is proud she can now spend her days at home, sewing bags and aprons for a living. This was not always the case. Until recently, a large portion of her time was focused on finding water for her family. With funding to assess new markets, found millions of people in the Philippines had the potential to repay a small loan for a water connection. It was this knowledge that ultimately led to empowering Elenita to end her own water crisis.

You are investing in people


What would you do if the water you gave your family to drink made them sick? Recognizing some of her niece and nephew's health issues could be attributed to consuming unsafe water and the lack of a toilet at home, Lelita was determined to get a water connection and toilet installed in their house. Read how your support helped empower Lelita to change her loved ones' lives.

The impact of your donations is multiplied


Every $1 invested in our solution is equal to $24 toward safe water and sanitation solutions. How is that possible? We use some of the money donated to help financial institutions in the countries where we work to establish water and sanitation loan portfolios. Those institutions then attract commercial capital and commit those collective funds to our mission. This means your donations go further and will exponentially unlock the potential of people like Lelita, Elenita and others.

Lack of clean water and sanitation along with hygiene-related disease kill nearly ONE MILLION people every year. 


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The Power of Water

by garret

Posted on Mon Oct 09 2017

There are numerous approaches being used to solve the global water crisis.  Watch the video to learn about and their financial model that is making great strides to end the water crisis around the world. Join One Million Goal in helping by donating to support their efforts.  Click here to donate now. 

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